Let the Sun Shine On by Joining Joan’s Circle
To mark our 25th anniversary, we want to make a bold move by inviting folks like you to consider making a planned gift to the Women’s Fund. We realized at the start of the year that we had 25 members of Joan’s Circle, our legacy giving society. These folks have joined Joan’s Circle by making provisions in their wills, making the Women’s Fund a beneficiary of a retirement asset (such as an IRA), or by making an outright gift to our endowment of $10,000 or more.
Wouldn’t it be bold to double the number of Joan’s Circle members in this anniversary year?
After hosting events for Joan’s Circle over the last several months in each county of Western MA and an impactful webinar by Amy Jamrog, we are ecstatic to report that we are nearly at our goal to double the members of our legacy society. We need six more people to join Joan’s Circle to reach our anniversary goal of 50 members. Will you be one of our six?
Why join Joan’s Circle? Your annual donation is like the sunshine we get and need in order to sustain us and move women and girls forward. When we don’t receive that annual donation our world clouds over and we have to find our way to bright days with hard work, new friends, and good fortune. Our momentum suffers and in turn progress for women and girls is slowed.
You can help create a stream of sunshine to fuel our work even after your own sunsets. Think about building a solar panel of sorts for WFWM by making a planned gift. That solar panel in the form of a planned gift will ensure the continuity of that sunshine, that fuel we need to make the grants, do the research, advocate, and more. These are the ways we advance and preserve gender and racial equity.
Just like those who put solar panels on their homes receive immediate benefits, you will too. You get to join Joan’s Circle- a group of folks who are as passionate about advancing gender equity as you are and as thoughtful and organized as you are.
Here is information on who is in Joan’s Circle and how to join. Want to know more before you decide? Contact Donna at donna@mywomensfund.org to learn more.
Join Joan’s Circle of Friends
Our Planned Giving Program is designed to provide new and creative opportunities for our community to give to the Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts. Through our program, those who believe in the Fund’s mission and recognize the positive impact of the Fund’s work in our communities, seek to make the Women’s Fund part of their enduring legacy by including us in their will or estate plan. In turn, their gift becomes part of our endowment and a gift to generations to come.
This is not about one singular gift, but rather a collective of the many voices of folks who believe in empowering a brighter, stronger future for the women and girls in Western Massachusetts. Joan knew we could all do our part.
Joan’s Circle of Friends
Susan Alston
Elizabeth Anema
Joanna Ballantine
Mary Barringer
Marguerite Bedell
Olivia Bernard
Monica M. Borgatti
Sue Bowman
Carol Campbell
Maryjane Canavan
Susan Clopton
Patricia “Chia” Collins
Kim Cook
Michele Ditomassi
Laurie Estes
Liz Feeley
Dianne Fuller Doherty
Dana Gillette
Donna Haghighat
Joan Hastings*
Wilmot Hastings
Cristina Howard
Amy Jamrog
Cindy Johnson
Elizabeth (Betsy) Johnson
Susan Lantz
Shela Levante
Eleanor Lord
Arwen Lowbridge
Susan Lowenstein Kitchell*
Sue Monks
Robyn Newhouse
Carla Oleska
Brenda Oppermann
Anne Paradis
Ronda Parish
Mary Jean Picknelly
Jill Paul
Joan Rosenbaum
Lisa Unger Baskin
Abbie von Schlegell
Anne Weiss
Halina Wiczyk
*Deceased Member