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Greater Springfield Women’s Economic Security Hub


The Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts’ Key Findings on the Status of Women and Girls in Western MA, 2019 highlighted that women in Hampden County were underemployed and experiencing high rates of poverty. The impact of COVID-19 on women in Greater Springfield has disproportionately affected Black and Hispanic women—women concentrated in low-wage employment that ceased for extended periods or were laid off entirely due to the changing economy and stubborn gendered stereotypes.

The full research report on the Status of Women and Girls in Western MA, 2019 additionally emphasizes the need for change for currently and formerly incarcerated women in this region as “a history of trauma, poverty, and/or substance use is common…and is often the reason (directly or indirectly) for their incarceration.” The report posits that resources like affordable housing, debt relief, financial assistance, access to sober housing—especially for women—quick reunification with children and other family members, and continuity of therapy and recovery are greatly needed.

This 2020 McKinsey report indicates that if we collectively do not act to counter the effects of the ‘shecession,’ then they estimate “global GDP growth could be $1 trillion lower in 2030 than it would be if women’s unemployment simply tracked that of men in each sector.” The report continues, “Conversely, taking action now to advance gender equality could be valuable, adding $13 trillion to global GDP in 2030 compared with the gender-regressive scenario.”

Our Collective Mission

The Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts began collaborating with key area partners: Arise for Social Justice, Dress for Success Western MA, Springfield WORKS, and the Western New England University School of Law Social Justice Center to launch this initiative. Our partnerships are expanding to meet these challenges—see the full list below.


Thanks to financial support from the below supporters, the Greater Springfield Women’s Economic Security Hub (ESH) is procuring community-informed research focused on understanding obstacles to women’s economic security. The ESH is also connecting organizations working towards facilitating community members’ successful re-entry to the workforce from incarceration.

MassMutual Foundation logo
Berkshire Bank logo
Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts logo

Massachusetts Community Empowerment and Reinvestment Program

City of Springfield American Rescue Plan Act

MassMutual Women’s Leadership Business Resource Group

Our community-centric work focuses on women, mostly of color and living at or below the poverty line, to understand the myriad factors that make or break an individual woman’s economic engine, affecting family prosperity.

Donna Haghighat, Former WFWM CEO

Framework: A Woman’s Economic Engine

The UMass Donahue Donahue Institute developed a survey instrument that will be refined, implemented, and analyzed by the University of Massachusetts Amherst Center for Research on Families.

The interconnected determinants shown below were identified by service providers convened by the WFWM—such as housing, internet access, paid work, child and dependent care, etc.—to form the framework which will be used to survey women in communities that have historically faced disproportionate challenges to economic growth.

12-determinant framework that defines a woman’s economic security.

Determinant Definitions

Determinants Definitions
Child and Dependent Care Home or center-based affordable, accessible, quality early education and care for youngest children and older children with special needs requiring care.
Food and Nutrition Access to high-quality, affordable food (or benefits providing this) and access to free education about nutrition for women and children.
Health, Safety, and Recovery Survival during and after trauma including domestic and/or intimate partner abuse, child abuse. Access to equitably delivered healthcare including affordable medication and mental health services.
Housing Access to safe, affordable housing and services that will help preserve housing. Access to safe, affordable systems care for young women.
Identification Having legal documentation that covers such things as identity, legal status, eligibility for work, and public assistance.
Internet Access to reliable, high-speed internet with an adequate number of family devices and fluency to navigate digitally.
Job Preparation Guidance, training, education, and connections to jobs, internships, and apprenticeships.
Money and Assets Having and getting assets and knowing how to manage money and assets including navigating protections such as insurance, unemployment benefits.
Paid Work Earning a living wage or increase in wages that will not create a significant drop in public benefits (Cliff Effect). Opportunity for a flexible schedule to meet other demands and access to career advancement.
Supportive Network Access to and confidence in an informal community (e.g., individuals, family, groups, or institutions) for all manner of help including borrowing funds, transportation, childminding, connection, support, job networks, mentorship, or sponsorship.
Transportation Access to safe, convenient, affordable, and reliable transportation.
Unpaid Caregiving Unpaid labor and care provided in the home for family members and for the extended family outside of the home who rely on a woman/young woman for care and labor including errands, medical appointments, and minding.


Our community partnerships will strengthen our common goal to disrupt the social and economic systems preventing Greater Springfield’s low-income or formerly and currently incarcerated women, particularly those of color, from prosperity.

Research Partners

  • 413Cares
  • Arise for Social Justice
  • Dress for Success Western Massachusetts
  • New North Citizens Council
  • Parent Villages
  • ROCA
  • Springfield Housing Authority
  • Springfield WORKS
  • University of Massachusetts Amherst Donahue Institute
  • University of Massachusetts Amherst Center for Research on Families
  • Western MA Regional Women’s Correctional Center

Economic Security Hub Reentry Consortium and Network 

Consortium for Optimizing Reentry for Women in Western Massachusetts 

In the first phase of the Women’s Fund of Western Massachusetts (WFWM) Greater Springfield Women’s Economic Security Hub (ESH) project, the WFWM convened a core group of organizational partners for the purpose of hosting collaborative discussions that aim to optimize women’s reentry to the workforce. Discussions included: 

  1. Exploring issues and successes seen when supporting community members reentering the workforce; 
  2. Identifying needs not being met by existing services and opportunities for partnerships that create efficient pipelines for returning citizen success; and 
  3. Understanding the current research on these issues to help determine future inquiry into addressing root problems for people returning to the workforce after incarceration in Western Massachusetts communities. 

These Consortium Partners include direct-service nonprofits, universities, and correctional facilities that all hold the common goal of supporting community members returning to the workforce. These members include: 

  • Community Action Pioneer Valley 
  • Hampden County Sheriff’s Department 
  • All Inclusive Support Services 
  • Western MA Regional Correctional Center 
  • MassHire Holyoke 
  • Roca, Inc. 
  • Salasin Project 
  • Voices from Inside 
  • Western MA CORE at Holyoke Community College 
  • Western New England University School of Law Center for Social Justice 
Western Massachusetts Women’s Reentry Network 

In the second phase of the Greater Springfield Women’s Economic Security Hub (ESH), these Consortium members have committed to continuing this work and expanding outreach in the region to create a Western Massachusetts Women’s Reentry Network.  

The Western Massachusetts Women’s Reentry Network aims to optimize women’s reentry to the workforce. The Network will work towards these outcomes to support this larger goal: 

  1. Create a Western Massachusetts Reentry Resource Guide or Directory which will include pathways that individuals can follow to find success in achieving economic security. 
  2. Determine recommended practices that agencies and organizations can embed within organizations seeking to support reentry into the workforce. 
  3. Organize an electronic landing place where new Network members can convene and share reentry resources. 
  4. Collaborate to determine effective awareness strategies and community connections. 

Asset Map

We are excited to announce our partnership with 413Cares is an innovative community portal that provides online access for residents of Western Massachusetts to available resources from housing, to healthcare, early education, and more.

Click on one of the determinants below to access resources within that category.

When we empower women to thrive, we uplift the cornerstone of a family, and in turn, communities prosper.