The Young Women’s Advisory Council (YWAC) formed four task forces aimed at addressing barriers to gender equity: Women in leadership, rape culture, health and wellness and economic, community and workforce development.
As part of their policy and philanthropy goals, the YWAC began learning research methodology to better contextualize the complexities of their project themes. They embarked on creating a mission, vision and mind map exercise to simulate the way a new organization would hone in on their mission. They analyzed grantmaking and grantwriting strategies to prepare a regranting process to community organizations working on their issues.
In March they will finalize their Request for Proposals (RFPs,) learn how more about principles of philanthropy and social justice from Katie Zobel, CEO at The Community Foundation and present their problem statements pitches and call to action. The YWAC will present their pitches during sessions, a public service announcement competition and also at On the Move: Exploring Women’s History through Diverse Perspectives and Inclusive Stories.
Stay tuned to hear them present in the coming months!