Opportunities for Economic Security Hub (ESH) Phase 1 Interviewer
- ESH interviewers may participate in paid focus groups and in-depth interviews on the ESH phase 1 work with UMass Center for Research on Families (CRF).
ESH Phase 1 Interviewer Listening Sessions
For ESH phase 2, UMass CRF will be seeking to understand the research findings from phase 1 with more depth. They will seek to discuss the findings through focus groups and in-depth interviews with ESH interviewers. They want to know if the data they have analyzed accurately reflects the lived experiences in the community.
UMass CRF is preparing more details on listening sessions in April/May. More information soon.
ESH Phase 1 Interviewer Listening Sessions and In-Depth Interviews
UMass CRF is preparing more details on listening sessions and in-depth interviews in April/May. Check back for more information.
The Commonwealth Seminar Session (Spring) – Application Due Tuesday, May 2nd
- Apply through this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSev26oymyeI9KqKusJHp-t9Rxxd6uheEYf0wlkULUq8eMDD-w/viewform
- Applicants need to add that they are applying for a Women’s Fund Economic Security Hub seat on their application under “Affiliations“.
- As noted in the subject of this email, you will also be paid for each session you participate in.
- Class schedule (all classes begin at 5:45 pm): Wednesday (5/10), Wed (5/17), Wed (5/24), Wed (5/31), Wed (6/7), and Wed (6/14 – Graduation)
About The Commonwealth Seminar: The Commonwealth Seminar is a privately funded program with the mission of: “Opening the Doors of Government to Everyone”. It is an intensive training program focused on teaching diverse leaders how the legislative process really works (91% of graduates are from BIPOC communities and 65% are women). Read more about the program here.